Monday, February 16, 2009

Piscean Love Song

They never tell you the silly little things you'll miss about home when you head off to college. Like water. Moving water. Rivers and oceans.

Take today, for example. Horrible day. I'd rank it about a 7 on a shit scale. Started with my roommate going off on me at 3AM (I deserved it, but still...) and ended with the meeting from hell. Not to mention classes and normalcies of college life in below freezing temperatures in between.

In high school, on days like this I'd wait until my parents were asleep and climb out my window onto the kitchen roof. From there, I'd sit, wrapped up in a blanket, and watch the moon rise over the river. If it was a truly nasty day, I'd climb from the roof to the deck to the ground and walk out to the dock. I'd sit, my toes dangling in the water, until everything felt right again. Something about water has always soothed me. I miss that at school. I suppose it's nice that we have two lakes, but they always freeze over, and even during the fall and late spring, if you just stop and sit on a bench to enjoy the gentle sounds of water, the crazy jogging people give you strangely possessive looks as they run by. The lakes are not for those who wish to sit and contemplate life- they are simply obstacles to conquer, measures of distance.

Long story short, I miss the water. And if we can't have moving water, we should at least have bathtubs in the dorms. Nice, clean ones.

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